Magical, Glowing Skin

3 Conditions Chiropractic Care Can Help With

While many people assume that chiropractors are simply there to treat back and neck problems, they can do much more than that. They treat a variety of different nervous system and musculoskeletal disorders affecting your spine. If you have one of the conditions listed below, you might want to make an appointment with a chiropractor near you to see what they have to offer you for your condition. Degenerative Disc Disease Read More 

Learning More About Down’s Syndrome And Congenital Hearing Loss In Children

Children with Down's Syndrome may also suffer from other medical problems associated with it, one of the most common being hearing loss. If you are the parent of a baby with Down's Syndrome, making sure you learn more about related hearing loss is extremely important to combat its devastating effects. Catching medical problems early in babies with Down's Syndrome can help reduce greater problems later on. Hearing Tests Are Important To Remember. Read More 

3 Tips For Preparing Your Young Child For Tooth Extraction

Do you have a child who needs to have a tooth pulled? Tooth extraction can be a scary experience at any age, but it can be especially frightening for children.  It's also not uncommon in young children. Sometimes, adult teeth will start coming in before the baby tooth has fallen out. When that happens, your family dentist may have no choice but to extract the baby tooth. While the procedure could be painful, it will likely be much easier if your child relaxes and lets the dentist do his or her work. Read More 

Prevent Prostate Cancer: 4 Cancer-Fighting Foods And Drinks To Reduce Your Risk

Individuals who are able to catch prostate cancer early on are generally able to seek necessary treatment prior to it spreading. This typically increases their likelihood of a full and successful recovery, using less invasive treatment methods, like HIFU-- a high intensity focused ultrasound. However, to avoid an advanced-staged diagnosis, it is best to be able to recognize the signs of cancer and visit your physician regularly for check-ups. Your best bet, though, is to avoid a diagnosis altogether, which may be able to be done with these cancer-fighting foods and drinks:  Read More 

How To Take Care Of A Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are part of the agama lizard family. They are a great lizard to keep as a pet since they are friendly and easy to care for. If you are new to having a bearded dragon as a pet, the following tips will be very useful. Housing and Lighting Like all reptiles, bearded dragons need to have the proper housing and lighting to stay healthy and happy. Get a long aquarium for your bearded dragon that is large enough for them to grow inside. Read More