Being pregnant can be one of the greatest joys in your life, but it can put a lot of stress on your body, including your feet. All of that extra weight you are carrying around can cause your feet to swell up and even hurt. That is why it is so important to take extra good care of your feet during this time. Here are five great foot care tips for pregnant ladies.
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If you are like many people, you are always looking for the next product that can make you healthier, give you long, luscious hair, make your skin glow and take years off your face, and more. As technology improves from year to year, those products that we want to work magic are not out of the realm of possibility. And one such product is sheep placenta. Extracted stem cells in a product like TR Zell P-Centa from the placenta of sheep are the new "
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Cremation services are becoming an increasingly popular end of life choice. In fact, more than one million Americans choose to be cremated instead of buried each year, approximately 42 percent of all people who die annually. Although a direct cremation makes planning a funeral much less expensive and involved, family and friends still have to decide what to do with the cremated remains.
Many family members and friends choose to scatter the ashes in a place that was a favorite of the deceased, such as the ocean, a garden or a favorite park.
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If your dentist says you need sinus lift surgery before you can get dental implants, you probably have a lot of questions. For one, what do your sinuses have to do with your teeth? The answer to that one is easy: the maxillary sinus -- one of the hollow cavities in your skull -- is very close to the back of your upper jaw, making it difficult to place dental implants in this area.
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If you suffer from dry eyes, you've probably never tried getting contact lenses. Contact lenses have the stigma that they can dry your eyes out or make the symptoms worse for people who already have dry eyes. However, with a little dry eye treatment, it's possible to wear contact lenses comfortably even with naturally dry eyes.
See Your Optometrist
First off, visit your optometrist to have your eyes evaluated. Explain the symptoms you're experiencing, and the optometrist will examine your eyes for some of the possible causes of dry eyes, including:
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