Magical, Glowing Skin

About Breastfeeding & Getting A Pump

When it comes to feeding babies, many mothers opt for using formula over breastfeeding because they think it is more convenient. However, opting to breastfeed a baby comes with many benefits that a mother can't take advantage of if using formula to feed her baby. If you are new to motherhood and can't decide if breastfeeding is right for you, gaining more knowledge about it might help you make a decision. Read More 

How ThermiVa Can Help You Feel More Comfortable And Confident After Childbirth

Childbirth is quite often the most intense process that your body will go through. It affects virtually every area of your body, but none more so than the vagina. It can take weeks or months to heal, if it even does heal to its original status. This is totally natural and women recover at their own pace, but there are ways in which you can help speed up this healing.  ThermiVa is one method many women are using to get back on track quicker, and there have been a lot of great results attributed to it. Read More 

Why Covid 19 Testing Is Still Important Despite Vaccine Rollouts

Covid 19 is set to be a constant threat even with vaccine rates going up each and every week. Even after most of the American populace has been vaccinated, there will still be occasions when Covid 19 testing will remain important, especially with open borders and new strains being discovered. But when do you need to get tested? And when are you fine to go about your daily basis? Here are a few scenarios in which you will most likely be advised to implement Covid 19 testing, even as vaccine rollouts increase and life seems to get back to normal. Read More 

How Compounding Pharmacies Can Help Manage COVID-19 Vaccine Allergies

The approval of various vaccines to fight COVID-19 has made real progress in fighting this condition, cutting back on infection rates in many areas. However, some people may find themselves not only at a high risk of serious symptoms but struggling with vaccine allergies. In this scenario, it may be necessary for them to work with a local compounding pharmacy that can help them out. 1. Vaccine Allergies May Make COVID Care Harder Read More 

Walk-In X-Ray Scanners Help Diagnose and Treat Autonomic Neuropathy

Many diseases are rarely discussed but can be very impactful when they do occur. For instance, autonomic neuropathy is an issue that can spread to many parts of the body and affect a person's automatic functions. And while treatment may help, it will require the use of a high-quality walk-in X-ray to minimize the type of damage that may worsen this problem in many people. The Dangers of Autonomic Neuropathy Read More