When you start an aerobic exercise program after being sedentary for a long time, it's important to start out slowly and build up your tolerance so you can avoid an injury. You may not give your feet much thought, but pushing yourself to run or even walk long distances without working up to it can cause pain in your feet and ankles. Here are some ways to deal with foot pain caused by over-activity.
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The holidays are coming. They're a time to get together with family and friends. Unfortunately, if you're a recovering alcoholic, they can also be a time of incredible temptation and stress, especially if you're worried about a relapse. You can't hide away from everyone and hope that the holidays go away. However, you can take some steps to prepare yourself for the festivities. Learn more here about three measures you can take to keep yourself safe from a relapse during the holidays.
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Taking a reluctant child to an optometrist appointment can be an ordeal for even the most patient parent, as you may find yourself struggling to maintain a positive and calm attitude amidst your own vision-related worries. This struggle can be amplified if your child is on the autism spectrum or is otherwise non-verbal, as many of the routine tests that can indicate vision problems require the patient to describe what he or she is seeing.
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Some tattoos are truly works of art and wear well. A tattoo you get in your youth may still look fine as you age. Other tattoos do not. A tattoo that reflected your thinking and your affections when you were twenty may be totally inappropriate when you are 40 or 50. If you desperately want to get rid of that Milli Vanilli tattoo or the one declaring your love for a high school flame, you may be able to do so.
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As you work to keep your diabetes under control, it is subtly changing your eyes. These small changes put you at greater risk of experiencing eye disease and possible vision loss. Here is how to spot potential eye problems caused by your diabetes and how they can be dealt with.
The longer you have diabetes, the more at risk you are of developing glaucoma. This eye disease is caused by a restriction of the drainage of fluid from within your eye.
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