Managing Menopause: How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help

Going through menopause can bring on a slew of symptoms that are difficult to manage. While there are some ways you can help minimize the severity of your menopausal symptoms, treatment through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a proven and effective way to bring you relief. Here are three symptoms that are commonly seen in cases of menopause that can help be alleviated by hormone therapy. 

Hot Flashes

One of the worst and most frustrating symptoms of menopause is hot flashes. Often appearing suddenly, these instantaneous feelings of being overheated are amplified in the summer months. If you live in a region where summers are already hot, your symptoms can make this time of year unbearable. Through hormone replacement therapy, your hot flashes will gradually dissipate over time. While they may not stop overnight, you should notice a slight reduction in the severity of symptoms and eventually become milder over time. In addition to your therapy, you can help minimize more intense hot flashes by wearing loose, breathable clothing and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. 

Fluctuations in Weight

Another common symptom experienced by those in menopause is a fluctuation in weight. Often seen in weight gain, this can further aggravate other symptoms—such as hot flashes—and can be a cause for concern for your long-term health. Especially for those who have a family history of diabetes, weight gain during menopause will need to be closely monitored to ensure you are doing everything possible to keep it under control. In addition to your hormone therapy, you may be given a diet plan by your healthcare provider or tips on how to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Over time, you should see your weight come back to more typical levels. 

Difficulty Concentrating

Brain fog can be a very frustrating obstacle when it comes to dealing with menopausal symptoms. Not only can you not focus on work or school, but even everyday conversations or situations can seem like a challenge. You may be experiencing brain fog if you suddenly notice you have difficulty remembering what you were doing at the moment or had trouble recalling past events. Speak with your doctor regarding any concerns you have if you notice these symptoms. While not as obvious as more physical symptoms, brain fog is extremely common in those dealing with menopause and can be alleviated with proper hormone therapy. Keeping a journal, staying up-to-date with your calendar, and engaging in brain-boosting puzzles are just a few examples of how you can help supplement your treatment when it comes to brain fog. 

Contact a local bioidentical hormone replacement therapy service to learn more. 
