What You Should Know Before You Have A Sleep Study
For busy adults, it can be difficult to always get a good night's sleep. However, if you consistently are unable to sleep well or if your doctor thinks your health is at risk because you are not sleeping as you should, you may need a sleep study. A sleep study is a test that lasts all night, records your sleeping patterns, and lets the doctor know more about why you may not be sleeping. You will go to a sleep center to have the sleep study performed. The following are some things you need to know about a sleep study so that you can be fully prepared for the experience:
Avoid Ingesting Caffeine
If you normally drink an evening cup of coffee or tea or ingest anything that contains a lot of caffeine, especially in the evenings, you should avoid doing so on the evening of your sleep study. This includes soda, energy drinks, workout drinks that contain caffeine, and the like. If you have a lot of caffeine, you will have problems going to sleep for your sleep study and the results might not be fully accurate.
Prepare Yourself Throughout the Day
On the day of your sleep study, be sure to avoid sleeping late or taking a nap, especially if this is not a part of your daily routine. Extra sleep may alter your test results. You can go to work or do any normal daily activities like always. When you get home, take a shower and get yourself ready for bed like you normally would. You can wear something comfortable to sleep in so you can get adequate rest.
Bring Anything You Think You Need
As you prepare for your sleep study, make sure you take everything you might need for the night. This includes glasses, contact cases, and solution if you wear them, a robe, toiletries, and the like. Also, pack a set of clothes to change into in the morning.
If you take any type of medication, ask about whether or not you should take it before your sleep study. Some medications can interfere with your ability to sleep and can alter your results. You might have to skip a dose of some medications, but always check with your doctor first. Make sure to bring all of your medications with you even if you are not sure if you need to take them. If you take a morning dose, you will be able to take it when you wake up the next day.