Feeling The Effects Of Midlife? How Mens Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help
If middle-age has stopped you in your tracks, you may need hormone replacement. If you thought hormone replacement therapy was only for women, you're wrong. During menopause, women suffer hormone loss. But, men also go through a similar phase as they approach middle-age. Andropause is the male counterpart to menopause. During andropause, your body's production of testosterone slows down. Decreased testosterone levels can wreak havoc on your entire body, which is why hormone replacement therapy is so important. If you're not sure hormone replacement therapy is right for you, read the information provided below. Here are just four of the reasons why you need hormone replacement therapy.
Regain Lost Muscle
As you age, your body loses vital muscle mass. As you lose muscle mass, you also lose strength and stamina. In fact, you might even lose self-esteem and self-confidence as the result of muscle loss. That's where hormone replacement therapy comes into the picture, especially if you've added workouts to your muscle rebuilding plan. You might not realize this, but a boost in testosterone can help to improve muscle development. As a result, you'll experience more effective workouts.
Alleviate Daily Fatigue
If you find yourself losing energy halfway through the day, or fatigue prevents you from accomplishing your daily goals, hormone replacement therapy can help. As your testosterone reserves decrease, your body can't recover as quickly. Unfortunately, that means you'll experience fatigue more often. You might even notice that you don't wake up refreshed anymore. Hormone replacement therapy can help give your energy a boost, which can help to alleviate daily fatigue. Hormone replacement therapy can also help you get a more restful night sleep, which can also increase your daily energy levels, and decrease fatigue.
Jump Start Weight Loss
If you've noticed some extra weight starting to build up around your midsection, hormone depletion might be the cause. The decreased testosterone levels might also be the reason why you can't seem to lose the weight as easily as you once could. Hormone replacement therapy can help you to lose the extra weight, and keep it off.
Restore Your Lost Libido
Finally, if your libido isn't as high as it once was, and you've experienced a significant drop in your sex drive, you need to consider hormone replacement therapy. As your testosterone levels drop, your sex drive can drop right along with them. Hormone replacement therapy can help you restore your lost libido.