Hair Restoration Therapy With Platelet-Rich Plasma From Your Own Body

If you want to restore your hair non-surgically nowadays, you can do so with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, which is a new technology that men and women can use for hair growth replacement. For quite a long time, scientific studies revealed the use of PRP for wound and tissue healing and other injury-related healing. Now PRP in the form of regenerative injections is proving to be an answer to hair loss, and the ingredients are extracted from your own blood.

How Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Works

The treatment tool used in PRP therapy is your own blood, which causes the restoration to be a natural process. A small amount of your blood is taken and placed in a centrifuge in order to separate various ingredients in your blood. Your red and white blood cells are thereafter divided. Plasma cells are isolated and subsequently produce platelet-rich plasma. Protein nutrients are added to the platelets. Growth factors are collected and injected into your scalp site. The application then stimulates your hair follicle's growth. Anesthesia spray applications are used during the procedure to help numb the targeted areas. That activity prevents you from experiencing pain sensation. The injected platelets influence inactive or newly implanted hair follicles to enter an active growth phase. That signals your hair to start growing again.

Are You A Good Candidate For PRP?

PRP therapy targets your hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia, which is a hereditary hair-thinning condition that affects women and men. It is also effective for women who are diagnosed with traction alopecia. Traction alopecia is a thinning of your hair brought about by wearing tight ponytails, braids, and other hairstyles that pull out your hair. You are a good candidate for PRP if you recently started losing hair. The procedure will not work for you if you're already bald. It definitely will not completely regrow all lost hair.

Is PRP Therapy A Safe Treatment?

PRP is a safe and effective hair restoration procedure. You will become aware of a noticeable improvement in thickness, density, and growth of your hair within a few weeks of undergoing the procedure. While it will neither create new hair follicles nor completely regrow your hair, it does add fullness as it invigorates and nourishes your existing hair follicles.

PRP Service Cost

The procedure lasts for about 90 minutes. Each session you undergo could cost you about $400. You must undergo one treatment each month for four months followed by two maintenance treatments annually. The treatments are not currently covered by insurance. What you pay for PRP service is actually much less than you would pay for hair transplant surgery.

For more information on hair restoration, contact your local health professionals. 
