Key Facts About Osteoporotic Fractures And Treatments That You Need To Know

If you've recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis, it's essential to have a clear understanding of how that will impact you and your bone health in the future. For instance, you're at a particularly high risk of compression fractures and sadly, about two out of every three people who experience that issue don't even know it. In addition, if you've had a vertebral fracture once, the likelihood of you experiencing another in the 15 years after the event increases dramatically. Therefore, if you are concerned about your osteoporosis and want to be sure that you're doing everything you can to minimize the possibility of a fracture in the future, the information below will be very useful.

Understanding The Cause And Symptoms Of A Compression Fracture

A compression fracture can be defined as a fracture of the spinal vertebrae that occurred as the result of a compressed bone. It is important to note that a compression fracture differs from the fractures you might be more familiar with because it often does not need to have an injury cause it. Specifically, you don't need to fall or hit something, since a compression fracture can manifest simply from movement or rolling over in bed.The most common areas for a break of that type to occur is near the waist

Some people experience no pain when they incur that type of damage and therefore, it might be months before anyone notices. However, sharp ribbons of pain from the area have been reported by some patients as well. Untreated compression fractures are a common cause of women seemingly growing shorter as they age, since the spinal column must compensate for the impaired vertebrae. 

Planning For The Treatment Of A Compression Fracture

There are different treatment options for a compression fracture. The first line of defense is often pain medication, if needed, coupled with extra support in some instances for the area to heal. While bed rest is generally not needed for recovery, if you experience significant pain from the fracture, resting will limit your movement and thus, help with your discomfort.  

If your pain persists or if more than one fracture occurred, surgery might be recommended. The same is true if your mobility has been badly impaired due to the damage. One common treatment is known as a spinal fusion, which involves joining the lower vertebrae together. It means that they no longer will move separately and thus, mobility might be restored. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty are more invasive procedures that work to replicate the damaged areas.  

In conclusion, osteoporosis is a common problem that can lead to multiple fractures, a diminished quality of life and in some instances, a quicker death. As a result, everyone diagnosed with it should have the above facts. Look into treatments, such as with Radius, for more help.
